Thursday, September 08, 2011

Simplicity Reissues Titantic Dress Pattern


I was cruising Simplicity's costume patterns today and squealed like a little girl when I saw this pattern. Simplicity 8399, Misses Titanic Inspired Costume, was originally released after the Titanic movie came out in the late 1990s. I remember wanting to make the red dress for prom but at that point it was way beyond my skill level. The pattern went out of print so by the time I got back in to costuming, it was no longer available.

I wasn't going to let the opportunity to get this pattern pass me by again, so I bought it immediately. It would be great to make it for Halloween this year though I'm not sure I'll have the time. Even if I don't, I'll still have the pattern for when I do find the time!

According to, this pattern is only available on their website, so don't go to the fabric store and expect to find it. It's being reissued for the "100th anniversary of the Titanic." So the anniversary of its sinking, I guess? A bit morbid but I'm not complaining!

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